Make an Appointment: 832-278-1849  | | 2211 Norfolk Street, Suite 455 Houston TX 77098

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Mindfulness-based therapy helps people manage negative emotions. It draws upon meditative practices and principles of mindfulness. This form of therapy was originally designed to treat depression and can reduce rates of depression relapse by as much as 50%. However, research has shown mindfulness can be an effective tool in managing a number of psychiatric conditions as well.

Mindfulness is the practice of learning to stay in the present moment while acknowledging and accepting other thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental manner. When people are depressed they tend to ruminate about the past. Anxiety brings on worries about the future. Thus learning to stay in the present moment through mindfulness can help to reduce depressive and anxious thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness, like any other skill, requires practice.

What can mindfulness-based therapy help treat?

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Food and eating issues
  • Anxiety and worries
  • Low mood and negative thoughts
  • Chronic Pain
  • Stress

If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness-based therapy, please feel free to reach out.

Take the first step

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.
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